BioBag bags are 100% biodegradable and compostable. BioBag organic waste bags are made from the innovative Mater-Bi material with potato starch as the main component. They have pegs for attachment.
Bag dimensions: 42 X 52 cm.
Suitable for
– organic and mixed waste
– for use in household and communal composters
– they are durable, aesthetic
– they are planet-friendly: fully biodegradable and compostable (according to European standard EN-13432). The degradability of the bags under composting conditions is certified by OK Compost Vincotte and Daigas DIN CERTCO.
BioBag bags decompose under composting conditions (in the presence of oxygen and special microorganisms) in about 45 days.
We recommend that you take the bags to the waste container or compost bin at least every 3-5 days (3 days in summer).